Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Ethics of Digital Games (2nd Edition)

According to the film ‘Game Revolution’, it analyzed the development of game industry in a very comprehensive way.

First, there are some advantages of playing videogames for individuals. Based on the video, it points out that videogames are the new language for teenagers nowadays. They can learn the complex things from playing videogames. Also, some videogames have educational aspects which teaching players to engage meaningful activities. Players can learn a new kind of understanding without stress, they play in a relax condition and they learnt easily. However, there are some disadvantages too. The video mentioned that some games which containing negative competition mode would encourage the players under 18 become more aggressive.

Second, for societies, ‘Game Revolution’ introduced many ‘professional players’ cases in the videogames industry. The video provides many statistics to prove videogames industry earn billions income each year, it shows that players can really earn money from playing videogames or even seek playing videogames as a job. However, the video also talks about the launch of the violence videogames would be harmful to the values of teenager because they may apply such negative mindsets to reality.

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Example: The Sims (2000)

"What you do outside your home now matters as much as what you do within."

The Sims is the good example to illustrate this topic. The Sims is a strategic life simulation video game series. The player creates virtual people called "Sims" and places them in houses and helps direct their moods and satisfy their desires. 

Playing The Sims allows users to have decision-making in a virtual communities in order to achieve their goals, therefore, The Sims is somehow provide a platform for players to learn the problem-sloving skills. Also, players can access in a new life and role to experience others' fate. Under the control of the players, the character have to work in different places in order to gain money for buying house and organize a family, thus its a very real-like video game that gather many topics on Internet throughout the years. 

However, as virtual communities in The Sims is very alike to reality, some of the players, especially for those under 18 who have weak time management, they will keep playing The Sims, living under the virtual communities. Some players said that its better to live in Sims city because you can actually control your fate but the reality cant. Another disadvantage of The Sims is the sexual elements in the game, it is also harmful for the teens who aged below 18. 


  1. Vivian says: Hithere Rice. I gree of you that playing video games can be educated people in a relax and easy way, because they can learn the thing with fun. However, I think some how poepl may only focus on havingf fun and will forgot it after that. Also, I think we should use the video games in a proper way, since there are many information online and easy to access the information, we need to use it for a proper way instead of remain the main purpose of the real meaning of video games, because it can more than just having fun.

  2. Karen: I agree there are pros and cons for playing videogames, especially the influence on the adolescents.
    For instance, videogames can encourage youngsters to join the armed force in USA which is very meaningful. At the same time, videogames can also promote aggressive and anti-social activities. I believe a coin always has two sides, people should play videogames after considering the influence of playing the games.

  3. Carol: Hi Rice, More specific examples and more detail would help you make your arguements more clearly and persuasively. For example it is very good that you mention the games that have health benfits and the way that some games really engage and inspire people. It would be even better if you gave examples and detail so your comment really comes to life! Try that.

  4. Leanne comments : Hi Rice, you've provided many pros and cons of playing videogames. However, I think you can also include the point that videogames could also be a new promotion tools or advertisment to attract the people.The America's army is an example which use the shooting videogame to encourage and convinve people to join them. =)

  5. @Carol @Leanne Thanks for your suggestion! I will edit more examples on the post later!! :)

  6. Sandy Wong(1130450): I think the discussion of consequence of digital game is balance which evaluated the benefits and drawbacks. The Sims city seems to be an interesting game that you can manipulate the life of "Sims" and explore the different possibility of life. However, I do not think the sexual elements like kissing would be harmful to teenagers so much because they already learn it in the other Medias like advertisement and film or from the soap opera.
